Aadhaar Card Linking: Important Dates

If you are following our blog, we mentioned that linking your LIC policy with Aadhaar is now mandatory. Not only LIC, If you hold any kind of insurance policy then you must link it to your Aadhar card before 31st December 2017. Extended to 31st March 2018.

Read full details here: Linking Aadhaar with Insurance Policy

Some of our readers asked, the last date of Aadhaar linking for other services.

Here is the list of important dates for linking Aadhaar with various services.

The deadline for linking Aadhaar with PAN is 31 March 2018

Whether you file IT Return or not it’s compulsory to link your PAN Number with your aadhaar card.

Also Read: How To Link PAN Card with Aadhar

The deadline for linking SIM card/Mobile Number is 31 March 2018

This is a very crucial date because everyone has a mobile number and if you do not link your Mobile Number with your Aadhaar your mobile services may stop and will only resume when you submit your Aadhaar to your service provider. Can you imagine a day without mobile and internet?

The last date link Aadhaar with Bank Account is 31 March 2018

Another very important service. If you want to keep your bank account in a good state then you must update your aadhar with your bank. Failure to link Aadhaar with Bank may freeze your account and you would not be able to deposit or withdraw money until you submit your Aadhaar details to your Bank. To avoid the inconvenience and update it as soon as possible if you have not yet updated it.

Also Read  Atal Pension Yojana (APY)

Post Office Deposits accounts, PPF, etc Linking with Aadhar 31 March 2018

If you have Post office deposits or  PPF (Public Provident Fund), or the National Savings Certificate Scheme (NSCS) and Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) you need to update your Aadhar with the Post office too.

Also Read: Post Office Saving Scheme

Aadhaar linking with Social Security scheme 31 Mar 2018

If you avail of pension from Govt or have opted for any social security scheme you need to update your Aadhaar before 31 Dec 2017.

Mutual fund accounts/Demat linking with Aadhar 31 Mar 2018

If you are an investor in the Share market or mutual fund you need to link Aadhaar with your Mutual fund and Demat accounts before 31st December 2017.

Also Read: How To Invest In Mutual Fund

In short, you need to update your Aadhaar number with all the services before 31st March 2018. Some sources are indicating that aadhar linking deadline time may be extended even after 31st March but don’t wait until the last minute. Get it done today.


  1. The mobile companies had suggested that from 1st December they will introduce visiting of their executives to residence of those who cant visit mobile co. offices for linkage of aadhar with sim ,due to illness etc. But till date on being asked or requesting for same no certain reply is being given by mobile service providers .In case they want to extend this facility ,they should inform their subscribers ,so that the needful can be done by cerain people ,without visiting mobile co. offices.

  2. For existing LIC policies ,post office accounts ,kvp etc ,the aadhar and pan card may be made compulsory to be shown at time of maturity and renewal and only for new accounts ,investments in these ,there should be requirement or giving copy of aadhar and Pan card .As on maturity the amounts are paid by cheques or transferred to bank accounts ,there cannot be any evasion.Now if existing investors are made to visit offices of insurance companies ,post offices etc for linking aadhar for investments already made ,the govt should think of time consumed and inconvenience to investors . As the deadlines of linking at various places is almost same ,it is very difficult for people especially old and retired ,who are main clients for these schemes to run from one to other place. The Govt should thus consider granting exemption for investments already made and insist for documents at time of maturity and renewal

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