LIC Policy Status By SMS

Check LIC Policy Status by SMS: If you have a policy, you might want to check your LIC policy status, due premium, loan on policy, and so on. The good news is that now, you can check all the information related to your LIC policy by using shortcode SMS. This is a free service, but your mobile operator might charge for each shortcode SMS as per your tariff plan. If you have a policy, you can check all the necessary information on your mobile phone by sending an SMS.

Check LIC Policy Status by SMS

Here are the Pension Policy shortcodes for your reference:

LICPension <Policy-No>[STAT/ECDUE/ANNPD/PDTHRU/AMOUNT/CHQRET] and Send it To 56677

If you want to check your Individual Pension policy (IPP) status then you need to type LICPension 88888888 STAT and send it to 56677 (88888888 is just an example, you need to replace it with your LIC policy number.

The full form of the above terms are:

  1. IPP Policy Status, (STAT)
  2. Existence Certificate Due, (ECDUE)
  3. Last Annuity Released Date, (ANNPD)
  4. Annuity Payment thru (CHQ/ECS/NEFT) (PDTHRU)
  5. Annuity Amount (AMOUNT)
  6. Cheque Return Information (CHQRET)

If you want to check Individual policy details through SMS then Type:


You can get the following details through SMS:

  • Premium – Installment premium under the policy
  • Revival – If a policy lapse, the Revival amount payable
  • Bonus – Amount of Bonus vested
  • Loan – Amount available as a Loan
  • NOM – Details of Nomination

Alternatively, you can call LIC customer care no. 1251 form MTNL/BSNL or login to the LIC website to check LIC policy details online. Apart from these, if you have a smartphone you can download the App and check the status anytime anywhere at your convenient time. There are various other ways you to check the status. For example, if you have a dedicated agent, you can contact your agent and enquire about it. Or you may pay a visit to your nearest branch and inquire.

Also Read  LIC Jeevan Saral Table No.165

Do you have an LIC policy? LIC has introduced an SMS-based facility by which you can check the status of your LIC policy. You just need to send an SMS and get the policy status. Please follow the steps above. This is the simplest way to know about your policy.

Why do you need to check your LIC policy status?

Answer: To know about the due date of premium or loan on your LIC policies, which are required to be paid on time.
If you have an insurance policy from Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), you can check its status anytime online if you do not want to receive SMS for every inquiry.

What are the features and how it works?

The SMS inquiry is a free service.
You can get the policy owner’s name, premium due date, and outstanding loan amount.

How to Check LIC Policy Status Without Registration?

Answer: You can use the policy status by SMS using the above method. You do not need registration. You can check it without registering on LIC Portal. All you need is your policy data and send it to LIC servers using the SMS command.

  1. bavana suresh kumar April 11, 2015 at 9:06 pm

    I want detail about this policy numbers, 802618657 How many months I will pay the amount give details about that, then how many months pending my balance… give me details as soon as possible, its very urgent…

  2. My policy no.300811205 please send me my primium pending detail

  3. hi sir this sampath musku please i want my policy payment details up to date my policy no.689355419

  4. Machindar Bilkar July 5, 2014 at 5:30 pm

    I had taken 1 LIC policy in 2007, but i cant able to pay permium from Sep 2013 due to my personnel problems, how can i continue with this policy because i already invested money in this policy, My policy No. 902852626 DOC. 28/03/2007


    Sir request to our police No. 614529297 I have received your letter date on 02/01/2012 But unfornunately iam not in stattion I wanted to know is it possible to renew the police please guide the above matter

    Thaning You

  6. SAWANT SANDEEP DASHARATH April 10, 2014 at 9:56 pm


  7. Dear sir,
    Good day

    I had not paid my LIC policy premium for last 2 years. I want to know my premium,due payment, details of my policy and procedure to active my lapse policies. My policies Numbers are as below:-

    2816 99433, 2874 35476, 9022 34828, 9022 34166.

    It will be highly appreciated if send all details in my Email ie.

    Thanks in advance

    Best regards,

    Mithilesh Singh

  8. my policy no. 164584518 please send my policy detail my contect no. 09988448668

  9. I want to know the due date of following LIC policy No.



  10. my son is 10 years of age can u suggest me the best policy for his future

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