LIC Anmol Jeevan 1

LIC Anmol Jeevan 1 Table No. 164

Term insurance is often the most inexpensive life insurance solution. Term insurance is recommended by most investment and financial experts.

Anmol Jeevan-I Summary:

Life Insurance Corporation Of India’s Anmol Jeevan-I (Plan No. 164) is a unique plan of assurance, by far the cheapest policy to buy; cheaper than even a whole life policy to start with.  Anmol Jeevan-I is a pure term cover that provides only life cover, unlike endowment and money-back policies which have a built-in saving element too.

Anmol Jeevan 1


On Maturity:
On Maturity, no amount will be paid to the Policyholder.

On Death:
On the death of the policyholder during the policy term, S.A. will be paid to the nominee.

Income tax rebate:
The premium paid towards Anmol Jeevan-I is eligible for tax deduction under section 80C of the Income Tax Act,1961.

Eligibility Conditions and Restrictions for Anmol Jeevan-I:

  • Minimum Age at entry: 18 years (completed)
  • Maximum Age at entry: 55 years (nearest birthday)
  • Maximum Age at maturity: 65 years (nearest birthday)
  • Policy Term: 5 years to 25 years
  • Minimum Sum Assured: Rs.5,00,000/-
  • Maximum Sum Assured: Less than 25,00,000 /-
    (Policies will be issued in multiples of Rs.1,00,000/- for Sum Assured above the minimum Sum Assured)
  • Loan: Not available
  • Surrender Value: Nil
  • Dating Back: Allowed
  • Grace Period: 15 days

Payment Of claims:
No Claims concession will be applicable to this Policy.

Mode of Premium :
The premium can be paid either in Yearly, Half-yearly & Single Premium.

Example: Mr. Ashok takes a policy for 20 years for Rs.20 lakh sum assured.
On survival till maturity, Mr. Ashok will not receive any amount.
(b) On the death of Mr. Ashok during the policy term, his nominee will get Rs.20 lakhs S.A.

Also Read  LIC Jeevan Aastha: The Best Way to Secure Your Future

Don’t like the Term plan? Check out: Jeevan Anand whole life endowment Plan

The Unique Identification Number (UIN) for Anmol Jeevan-I Plan is 512N213V01.

Update: Anmol Jeevan-I Plan No. 164 Has Been Discontinued.

The above is the product summary giving the key features of the plan. This is for illustrative purposes only. This does not represent a contract and for details please refer to your policy document.

  1. Hi, My age is 37+, I want to know about jeevan anmol policy,ie: if I take jeevan anmol policy for 20 years and for Rs.2000000/- what will the half yearly and yearly premium made.

  2. Hi, My age is 37+, I want to know about jeevan anmol policy,ie: if I take jeevan anmol policy for 20 years and for Rs.2000000/- what will the half yearly and yearly premium made.

  3. my name bindu
    my father 50years old he want to ANMOL JEVAN POLICE
    what you tell me full information
    exampal : how amunt per year
    : when last premium amunt

  4. voleti .sankara sastry March 5, 2010 at 8:41 pm

    my age is 43 years , policy cover upto 58 yeras age how much premium for yearly i will be paid please send datils

  5. Vivekanandan Tiwari February 15, 2010 at 10:53 am

    My age is 23 years. Please tell me the half-yearly and Yearly premium for 25 years for a sum assured of 10laks.

  6. Dear sir, i am eng. Age 27y. i want anmol jeevan1. time-15y -20 lac.
    amount pre annual.
    This is garuanted scheme or not?

  7. Hi Tabrej,

    for term insurance policies of anmol jeevan and amulya jeevan, I read on the apna insurance site comparison chart that accidental death benefit is not covered.
    Does “in the event of death” mean either natural,due to illness or accidental (except suicide)?

    another question – do the above policies have no riders i.e disability clauses for which additional premium amount can be paid.

    also is a health checkup required to get the policy?

    Thank you,

  8. is in anmol jeevan-1 accident death cover i included or not?

  9. Dear sir, i am eng. Age 31y. i want anmol jeevan1. time-25y -25 lac

    • Age : 31
      Policy term (in yrs.) : 25
      Payment term (in yrs.) : 25
      Yearly Premium: 10,222.00
      Half yearly Premium: 5,163.00
      Single Premium: 1,22,375.00

      Please send your contact no. and address so we can complete the documentation.

  10. I am working for Pvt firm,cai i take Anmol Jeevan policy on my Husbands name,if so can i get the tax benifit for me as my husband is not eligible to pay tax.

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