Jeevan Amar – Life Term Assurance Plan

Jeevan Amar Plan No.855 is a term insurance plan which offers financial security to your family members. It’s Non-Linked, Without Profit, pure protection plan.


  • The special premium rate for women
  • Option to choose Level Sum Assured and Increasing Sum Assured
  • Increase your risk cover by Accident Benefit Add-on.
  • Single-Premium, Regular Premium, and Limited Premium Payment options
  • Choose your Policy Term/Premium Paying Term

Eligibility conditions

Minimum Entry Age: 18 years
Maximum Entry Age: 65 years
Maximum age at Maturity: 80 years
Minimum Basic Sum Assured: Rs. 25 lakh
Maximum Basic Sum Assured: No Limit
BSA should be in multiples of 1 lakh if the sum assured is between 25 lakh to 40 lakh and if SA is above 40 lakh then it should be multiple of Rs.10 lakh.
Policy Term: 10 – 40 years

Premium Paying Term: You can choose the Regular premium paying term of you can opt for a Limited Premium Paying Term.

In limited premium term, you can pay 5 years less premium than your term if its less than 15 years and if you opt for minimum 15 years term you can pay 10 years less premium than your term. For example, if your term is 30 years you will only need to pay for 20 years.

Jeevan Amar

Death Benefits

Death Benefit will be the highest of:
7 Times of the annual premium OR
105% of all the premium paid till date OR
Assured amount to be paid OR

For single Premium Plans:
125% of single premium OR
Assured amount to be paid

Also Read  LIC Amulya Jeevan 2 (823)- A pure Term Insurance Plan

If you want to opt for monthly payment:
Minimum installment amount
Monthly Rs. 5000/-
Quarterly Rs. 15000/-
Half-Yearly Rs. 25000/-
Yearly Rs. 50000/-

Maturity Benefit

On completing the maturity term, you will not get any benefit in a term plan.

If you are looking for a term plan that protects your family in financial crisis, LIC Jeevan Amar is the answer. This is the latest plan launched by LIC with monthly payment or even onetime premium if you just want to make payment in one go.

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