LIC Samridhi Plus

LIC Samridhi Plus

LIC Samridhi Plus Summary: LIC Samridhi Plus is a ULIP plan. LIC Samridhi Plus (Plan No.804) is a close ended plan which would be open for sale for a maximum period of 3 months.LIC Samridhi Plus ...

Pension Plus Plan 803 – ULIP Based

Pension Plus Plan 803

LIC Pension Plus is a unique UNIT Linked pension plan where a minimum rate of interest of 4.5% is confirmed and guaranteed. Also after maturity, one third of the corpus can be withdrawn as a lumpsum ...

ULIP Insurance How it works?

ULIP Insurance

As now we know what exactly is an ULIP plan, now the next question normally pops out in our minds is how does this plan works out? No plan is easy to understand, so in the same way even it is ...

Fortune Plus – ULIP Plan

Fortune Plus – ULIP Plan

LIC's Fortune Plus is a Unit Linked Plan (ULIP) where premium payment term (PPT) is 5 years and the premium payable in the first year will be 50% of total premium payable under the policy. Fortune ...

LIC Market Plus 1: NAV, Summary, Review

lic market plus 1

Market Plus 1 is a unit linked pension scheme (ULIP). Policy holder can choose the plan with or without risk cover. This investment plan is divided in four types of investment Funds namely Bond, ...
