LIC Endowment Plus



LIC’s Endowment Plus (Table No.802) is a unit-linked endowment plan which offers investment-cum-insurance during the term of the policy.
You can choose the level of cover within the limits, which will depend on the mode and amount of premium you want to pay.

LIC Endowment Plus plan features at glance:

  • Critical Illness Benefit
  • Accident Benefit
  • Partial withdrawals
  • Loan on policy

a) Benefits payable on death:
In case of death of the policyholder when the cover is in full force, the nominee shall be
eligible to get a higher Sum Assured under the Basic Plan and the Policyholder’s Fund Value
as at the date of booking the liability. The liability shall be booked after receipt of intimation
along with the death certificate.

b) Benefits payable on maturity:
On maturity, the policyholder will receive an amount equal to his Fund Value.

Accident Benefit Rider Option:
Accident Benefit (AB) can be availed of as an optional Rider benefit by paying an additional premium of Rs.0.50 for every Rs.1,000/-

The Policyholder will have the option to choose any 1 of the below 4 Funds:

  1. Bond Fund
  2. Secured Fund
  3. Balanced Fund
  4. Growth Fund

The regular premium can be paid either in yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, or monthly (ECS) installments.
Min. premium Rs. 20,000/- yearly or Rs.1750 per month by ECS mode.

Single-Premium is also allowed under the LIC Endowment Plus plan. Minimum onetime Investment Rs.30,000/-

Eligibility and other conditions for LIC Endowment plus Table No. 802:

For Basic Plan
a) Minimum Basic Sum Assured:
Regular Premium policies: (Policy Term +1) times the annualized premium
For age at entry below 45 years: 1.25 times the single premium
For age at entry 45 years and above: 1.10 times the single premium

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b) Maximum Basic Sum Assured:
Regular Premium policies:
30 times the annualized premium, if age at entry is upto 45 years
25 times the annualized premium, if age at entry is 46 to 60 years
Single-Premium Policies:
If Critical Illness Benefit Rider is not opted for:

5 times the Single premium, if age at maturity is upto 65 years.
3 times the Single premium, if age at maturity is 66 to 70 years.
If Critical Illness Benefit Rider is opted for:
5 times the Single premium, if age at maturity is upto 55 years.
3 times the Single premium, if age at maturity is 56 to 60 years.

c) Minimum Premium:
Regular premium (other than monthly (ECS) mode): Rs. 20,000 yearly
Regular premium (for monthly (ECS) mode): Rs. 1,750 p.m.
Single premium: Rs. 30,000

d) Maximum Premium:
Regular premium: Rs. 1,00,000 p.a.
Single premium: No Limit

Annualized Premiums and the single premium shall be payable in multiple of Rs. 1,000 for
other than ECS monthly. For monthly (ECS), the premium shall be in multiples of Rs. 250/-

e) Minimum Entry Age: 7 years last birthday
f) Maximum Entry Age: 60 years nearest birthday
g) Policy Term : 10 to 20 years
h) Minimum Maturity Age: 18 years completed
i) Maximum Maturity Age: 70 years nearest birthday

Age at entry for the policyholder is to be taken as age nearest birthday except for the
minimum age at entry i.e. 7 years.

For Accident Benefit
a) Minimum Sum Assured: Rs. 25,000
b) Maximum Sum Assured: Rs. 50,00,000 taking all existing policies of the Life Assured under individual as well as group schemes taken with Life Insurance Corporation of India and other insurance companies and the Accident Benefit Rider Sum Assured under the new proposal into consideration.

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c) Minimum / Maximum Premium: No separate Limit
d) Minimum Entry Age: 18 years completed
e) Maximum Entry Age: 60 years nearest birthday
f) Policy Term: 10 to 20 years
g) Maximum Maturity Age: 70 years nearest birthday
Sum Assured shall be available in multiples of Rs. 5,000

For Critical Illness Rider Benefit
a) Minimum Sum Assured: Rs. 50,000
b) Maximum Sum Assured: Rs. 10,00,000 taking Critical Illness riders availed under all existing policies of the Life Assured with the Corporation and the Critical Illness Rider Sum Assured under the new proposal under consideration.
c) Minimum /Maximum Premium: No separate Limit
d) Minimum Entry Age: 18 years completed
e) Maximum Entry Age: 50 years nearest birthday
f) Policy Term: 10 to 20 years
g) Maximum Maturity Age: 60 years nearest birthday

Fund Switching: Within a given policy year, 4 switches will be allowed free of charge.

Top-up Premium: Not allowed.

Partial withdrawals: A policyholder can partially withdraw the units at any time after the fifth policy anniversary and provided all due premiums till the date of partial withdrawal have been paid.

The loan will be available under this plan subject to the following conditions:
• Loan will be granted under the policy after completion of three years and provided all due premiums have been paid.
• Policy Loan will be available to the extent of 30 % of the Policyholder’s Fund Value.
• No Partial Withdrawal will be allowed if any loan is outstanding.
• If the Fund Value at any time is less than or equal to the loan outstanding along with interest thereon, the policy will be compulsorily terminated.

The rate of interest charged for this loan amount would be determined from time to time by LIC. Presently the rate of interest is 9 % p.a. payable half-yearly.

Allocation Charges:
The allocation charges are as below:
For Single premium policies: 3.3%

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Allocation Charges for Regular premium policies:
First Year: 7.50%
2nd to 5th Year: 5.00%
Thereafter: 3.00%

a) POLICY ADMINISTRATION CHARGE – The Policy Administration charge of Rs. 30/- per
a month during the first policy year and Rs 30/- per month escalating at 3% p.a. thereafter.

b) FUND MANAGEMENT CHARGE – Fund Management Charges (FMC) is dependent on
type of Fund and are deductible on the date of computation of NAV at the following rates:
0.50% p.a. of Unit Fund for “Bond” Fund
0.60% p.a. of Unit Fund for “Secured” Fund
0.70% p.a. of Unit Fund for “Balanced” Fund
0.80% p.a. of Unit Fund for “Growth” Fund

The above is the product summary giving the key features of the plan. This is for illustrative purposes only. This does not represent a contract and for details please refer to your policy document.
