child education

Jeevan Chhaya

LIC Jeevan Chhaya

LIC Jeevan Chhaya (Table No.103)  is the perfect policy for someone planning for children's higher education or marriage. Sum assured amount will be paid in installments in the last four years ...

LIC Jeevan Anurag

LIC Jeevan Anurag

LIC’s Jeevan Anurag is a with profits plan specifically designed to take care of the educational needs of children. The plan can be taken by a parents. Benefits under the plan are payable at ...

Child Fortune Plus (Plan No.194)


LIC of India's Child Fortune Plus is a unit linked plan (ULIP) which will be allowed to the parents who have a child upto the age of 17 years last birthday. The risk cover under the plan will be on ...
